Energy & The Environment

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Climate Change is one of the most pressing challenges that we face as a state, a nation, and a global community.  Major changes in Vermont’s climate threaten four of its most iconic industries:  Agriculture, Forest Products, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation.  It will take political courage to change course, to rein in our use of fossil fuels in our transportation and home heating sectors and to transition to clean energy.  But we only have a brief window of time to act.  We must support bold solutions and work hard to save our planet.

That’s why I’ve long supported efforts to transition Vermont to a renewable energy future, generating power at home while harnessing the wind, sun, hydro, and other renewable solutions.  In the Senate, I have sponsored our Global Warming Solutions Act, our ban on plastic bags, the expansion of our recycling and composting laws and investments in our electric transportation infrastructure.  Having worked hard to pass our Clean Heat Standard bill, I was profoundly disappointed when the Governor vetoed it.  I have supported our work to protect the environment from pollution – from getting lead out of our drinking water to eliminating toxic chemicals in our children’s toys and consumer goods.  And, I believe we must hold polluters responsible for damaging our public drinking water and our environment.

I will continue to work with scientists and environmentalists to fight climate change, clean up our waters, and preserve Vermont’s rural economy and way of life for future generations.  We have a moral and economic imperative to do so.